Scaling your business doesn’t have to mean working more — if you know how to do it the holistic way.

Do you find yourself teetering on the edge of burnout, feeling like your holistic practice is taking a toll on your own health and well-being? It's a fear shared by many practitioners like you – the fear of having to give up on your passion because the demands of your business are draining you, leaving little room for self-care or personal fulfillment. But what if I told you there's a way to save your practice and save yourself? Our mastermind for holistic practitioners is here to show you that you don't have to choose between success and well-being. You can have both. Join us on a journey where you'll learn to thrive without sacrificing your health, mindset, or relationships. It's time to reclaim your passion, impact more lives, and create a business that supports your well-being as much as it supports others.

Let’s scale your business with purpose.

But, not at the expense of your own vitality. Together, we'll redefine success, prioritizing not just growth in numbers, but growth in fulfillment and balance. Imagine waking up each day feeling energized and inspired, knowing that your business is thriving and making a meaningful impact, all while you nurture your own well-being. It's not just about building a successful practice; it's about creating a life of purpose and abundance.

Are you ready to step onto the pathway to thriving, where success is measured not just in profits, but in the joy of living a life aligned with your values and passions?

comprehensive approach

leading you to fulfillment



Our meticulously curated curriculum addresses the core challenges holistic practitioners face. From optimizing business efficiency to managing increased demand without sacrificing personal time, our program offers comprehensive solutions. Gain valuable insights on streamlining operations, leveraging technology, and maximizing profitability while maintaining your well-being. With our expert guidance, you'll emerge empowered and thriving.

collaborative Experience

Collaborate closely with fellow business owners who understand your struggles. Together, you'll form a supportive community, sharing insights, resources, and encouragement. As your businesses grow, so will your relationships within the group. With the collective wisdom and support of your peers, you'll feel empowered to make confident decisions and navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship with clarity and resilience.



Leverage practical strategies essential for holistic practitioners' success. You'll learn crucial financial principles, actionable marketing strategies tailored to your personality, and implementable business systems leveraging technology. With these tools, you'll confidently manage finances, authentically promote your practice, and streamline operations to focus on what you love – serving your clients.

your pathway to thrive

Discover how to get your business from overwhelming to thriving with the pathway to thrive method. I'm going to introduce you to the only method designed just for holistic practitioners who are looking for the secret to staying in business without sacrificing their own health and happiness. In this private podcast, you will discover what the Pathway to Thrive Method is, how it can be used inside your business, and why it is the answer to the burning question you've been asking: "How can I scale without burning out?"

listen now


The Pathway to Thrive Mastermind program is built upon three primary pillars: scalable systems, ethical profit, and growth & retention. These pillars are strategically designed to help you achieve consistent income while working less and earning more, ultimately allowing you to make a larger impact in the world.

These three pillars work in synergy to empower you to scale your business beyond yourself, allowing you to make a lasting impact while achieving financial abundance and fulfillment. Join us on the Pathway to Thrive Mastermind and unlock the potential for sustainable success in your holistic practice. Let's delve into each pillar:

Scalable Systems: In the midst of a bustling business, the challenge arises when scaling becomes synonymous with overwhelming chaos. Without clear, written systems that are not reliant solely on you, the scalability of your business can be hindered. Our program addresses this by providing guidance on implementing scalable systems that are easy to understand and integrate with technology, enabling your team to plug in seamlessly. With these systems in place, your business can thrive even amidst growth and expansion.

Ethical Profit: Traditional marketing methods often revolve around aggressive sales tactics that may not align with the values of holistic practitioners. However, our program offers an alternative approach to building a profitable practice without resorting to tactics that feel slimy or salesy. By embracing ethical profit strategies, you can attract and retain clients authentically while maintaining integrity in your business endeavors.

Growth & Retention: Building a sustainable and scalable business involves more than just acquiring new clients; it's about nurturing long-term relationships and fostering client loyalty. Our program focuses on growth and retention by helping you think from the end and leverage the processes established in the beginning. From scaling your team to nurturing client relationships, we guide you in creating a business that not only grows but thrives well into the future.

your guide

Meet Lindsay Sutherland, the driving force behind the Pathway to Thrive Mastermind. With over 20 years of diverse experience in marketing, sales, business management, and leadership, Lindsay brings a wealth of knowledge and insights to the table. Her journey is marked by a fusion of corporate expertise and a deep passion for holistic health and wellness.

Lindsay's unique approach stems from her extensive corporate background combined with years of studying online marketing, investing in programs, and providing direct consulting to businesses. She has honed her skills to create a mastermind program that is truly one-of-a-kind, tailored to meet the needs of ambitious entrepreneurs like you.

Beyond her professional achievements, Lindsay is a firm believer in holistic living and embraces a balanced approach to health and life. While she harbors a passion for natural health practices, Lindsay channels her God-given talents into empowering others in the health and wellness space to make a meaningful impact in the world.

Her dedication to collaboration and her unwavering commitment to helping others succeed make her a true asset to the Pathway to Thrive Mastermind. Lindsay's purpose and passion lie in working together with practitioners like you to propel your business to new heights. Join Lindsay on this transformative journey and let her expertise guide you to the next level of success in your business endeavors.


Since we began working together, we have focused on using our market dominating position that you recommended to gain more business, and I am pleased to report that within just three weeks, we have already doubled our monthly income. Your guidance and expertise have been invaluable in this process, and I can't thank you enough.

Elsa Austin

I highly recommend Lindsay as a business consultant because she has the understanding and direction that can help just about anyone's business. Her advice is always on point.

Misha Fayant

Frequently Ask Question

What is the Pathway to Thrive Mastermind and how can it help me?

The Pathway to Thrive Mastermind is a dynamic and results-driven program designed to empower individuals to unlock their full potential and achieve unprecedented success in their business endeavors. Through a comprehensive blend of coaching, mentoring, and strategic guidance, participants embark on a transformative journey aimed at enhancing productivity, clarity, and growth.Our mastermind program offers a unique blend of expertise in mindset, energy management, and strategic action, providing participants with the tools and techniques needed to overcome obstacles, optimize performance, and seize new opportunities. Led by seasoned coaches with a proven track record of success, the Pathway to Thrive Mastermind is not just about achieving short-term results but fostering long-lasting growth and sustainable success.Whether you're an entrepreneur looking to scale your business, a professional striving for career advancement, or an individual seeking personal growth and fulfillment, the Pathway to Thrive Mastermind is your gateway to unlocking new levels of achievement and fulfillment. Join us and discover what it truly means to thrive in every aspect of your life.

What sets the Pathway to Thrive Mastermind apart from other programs?

The Pathway to Thrive Mastermind takes a distinctive approach to marketing, prioritizing organic relationship-building strategies over transactional experiences. Our marketing methodology is crafted to foster quality connections, nurturing relationships that extend far beyond mere transactions. We firmly believe that cultivating such connections breeds loyal advocates who not only support your business but become fervent advocates, driving even more referrals and opportunities your way.

However, marketing is just one facet of our comprehensive program. Beyond our unique approach to marketing, we offer a multifaceted curriculum designed to equip you with the tools and skills necessary for sustainable business success. From financial management and team-building to implementing effective systems and fostering a long-term approach to business growth, we cover all aspects essential for thriving in today's competitive landscape.

Moreover, our program goes beyond traditional business coaching by recognizing the vital importance of personal well-being in entrepreneurial endeavors. We emphasize the practice of breathwork as a strategy to overcome overwhelm and burnout, ensuring that you are not only equipped with business acumen but also empowered to maintain balance and resilience in all aspects of your life.

At the Pathway to Thrive Mastermind, we offer a holistic approach to business and personal growth, guiding you toward lasting success and fulfillment. Join us on this transformative journey and experience the difference firsthand.

What is the time commitment required?

The Pathway to Thrive Mastermind respects your time constraints while ensuring maximum benefit from our program. Here's what the time commitment looks like:

- Group Sessions: Our group sessions convene twice a month, on the first and third weeks, each lasting one hour. During these sessions, we delve into essential training materials tailored to accelerate your business growth. The first-week session provides immersive training, equipping you with actionable strategies, while the third-week session focuses on implementation, where we work together to apply these strategies to real-world scenarios.

- Individual Coaching: Every member has the opportunity to schedule a personalized 1:1 coaching session with Lindsay Sutherland, our expert coach, during the second week of each month. These sessions offer tailored guidance and support to address your specific business challenges and goals.

- Flexibility: We understand the importance of flexibility in managing your busy schedule. Therefore, the fourth week of each month is designated for further implementation or personal time. Whether you choose to implement strategies learned or take a break, this week is yours to utilize as needed.

- Recorded Sessions: Additionally, all group sessions are recorded and uploaded to our community forum. If you're unable to attend a session, you won't miss out on valuable content as recordings will be readily accessible. The only thing you'll miss is the opportunity to ask questions during the live session.

By investing just a few hours each month, you can unlock significant growth opportunities for your business. Join us in the Pathway to Thrive Mastermind and experience the power of collective learning and support.

Other than coaching, are there other benefits?

Absolutely! We believe in providing our Pathway to Thrive Mastermind members with a comprehensive array of resources and benefits to support their holistic growth and success. Here's what you can expect:

- Access to Industry Experts: As a mastermind member, you'll gain exclusive access to outside experts in various fields, including tax planning, time management, bookkeeping, breathwork, and more. These experts offer invaluable insights and guidance to help you navigate complex business challenges and optimize your performance.

- Discounted CRM Solution: Members will have access to a discounted Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution, specially designed with five integrated systems. This CRM not only streamlines your business operations but also offers functionalities for managing emails, creating proposals, handling products, building websites, managing social media, and much more. It's a comprehensive tool to enhance efficiency and productivity in your business operations.

- Discounted Marketing Services: Additionally, all members receive exclusive discounts on marketing services through Cheerfully Digital, LLC, a leading digital agency. Whether you need assistance with ad management, podcast management, social media marketing, or other digital marketing endeavors, Cheerfully Digital is here to support you in reaching your business goals effectively and efficiently.

These additional benefits complement our coaching sessions, providing you with a well-rounded support system to propel your business forward. Join the Pathway to Thrive Mastermind and leverage these resources to accelerate your journey towards success.Full Width

Not Sure if the mastermind is right for you?

Consider these other programs in the interim.

Up to 3 hours laying a foundation of your business from product offerings to tech solutions and marketing pillars. This is perfect for new practitioners who need clarity and actionable steps to

start building.


A one day consultation focused on analyzing product pricing and ideating new product ideas and bundling solutions to increase dollar per sale.


A one day consultation focused on analyzing marketing messaging, new prospect journey, and conversion strategy.


Unlock the financial insights crucial for your business with our self-paced course. Enhance decision-making, boost profits sans additional marketing costs, and gain mastery over key metrics—all for just.


Book a call to discuss which options are right for you or chat with me now.

PO Box 605

Moyie Springs, ID 83845

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