Allow me to introduce myself...

Hey there, I'm Lindsay Sutherland – living life on my own terms and loving every wild moment of it!

For a whopping 20 years, I dove headfirst into the fast and furious world of the automotive industry. But let me tell you, my adventurous soul was itching to break free from that high-pressure circus. I used to daydream about a different kind of life – one surrounded by towering trees and cozy log cabins. Well, guess what? Dreams DO come true!

Picture this: my hubby and I, fueled by an unstoppable desire for adventure, decided to make our dream of living in a rustic log home in the woods a reality. And boy, did we go all in! We packed our bags, said goodbye to our old stomping grounds, and hightailed it three states away to our very own slice of paradise.

But here's the thing that really hit home for me: the loss of both my parents before they could enjoy their retirement. It shook me to my core, reminding me that life is too darn short to wait around for "someday." That's why I'm embracing the present with all my might, especially with my four incredible kiddos by my side. They're my everything and solidified my resolve to live life to the fullest.

Now, in between raising sheep, muscovy ducks, and tending to our vibrant garden, I'm still rocking it as a high-performance business consultant. You might be wondering, "Lindsay, why in the world would you still work?" Well, here's the kicker – I absolutely adore what I do! The freedom I have to work from anywhere, set my own schedule, and be fully present with my amazing fam is a game-changer. Oh, and let's not forget my little secret: I give myself an early Friday escape every single week. Yup, you heard that right – freedom and fun go hand in hand!

If you're craving a life of adventure, freedom, and calling the shots on your own terms, let's connect! Together, we'll dive headfirst into creating a lifestyle that'll have you grinning from ear to ear. Trust me, life's too short for anything less than an epic adventure! So, buckle up and get ready to make your dreams a reality – I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

Catch you on the wild side!

  • Lindsay Sutherland